For sheer thigh-slapping hilarity, nothing tops the new Joe Biden campaign video that features lavish praise from…of all people…Marjorie Taylor Greene. The president has trolled her within an inch of her execrable existence, and I for one could not be more blissfully entertained.
The dime-store demagogue is dumber than a rock, but at least she’s made herself useful.
Ephemeral campaign ads come and go without drawing much public notice; hundreds of billions have been spent during the last half century to bombard us on every platform, from your TV screen to your pocketed phone – the price tag for the 2022 midterms alone was nearly $10 billion – and even though strategists insist that the ads work, most of us learned long ago to tune them out. But Biden’s Marjorie video, posted this week on social media, is deliciously special – as evidenced by the fact that, as of Wednesday, it had already been viewed 34 million times and shared 200,000 times.
During a recent speech at a right-wing confab, Greene sought to sound the alarm about the Democratic incumbent. Get ready to be scared:
“Joe Biden had the largest public investment in social infrastructure and environmental programs, that is actually finishing what FDR started, that LBJ expanded on, and Joe Biden is attempting to complete. Programs to address education, medical care, urban problems, rural poverty, transportation, Medicare, Medicaid, labor unions, and he still is working on it.”
Oh the horror!
What a gift that was for Biden’s rapid response team. They took Greene’s audio, scored it with cheery music, sprinkled it with upbeat visuals, and presto. (If you’re not on Twitter, scroll down and see it here.) Biden has a record-high investment in fixing our infrastructure? Thanks, Marjorie. He’s addressing environmental issues? Thanks, Marjorie. And medical care? And transportation? And Medicare and Medicaid? Thanks, Marjorie. Biden wants to finish what FDR and LBJ started on the domestic front? Thanks too for that reminder, Marjorie, because most mainstream Americans trend to appreciate stuff like Medicare and clean air and reliable transportation.
“…and he is still working on it,” she says. Doesn’t that clash with the MAGAts’ claim that Biden is a daft fossil who can barely tie his shoes? Marjorie and her friends need to get their story straight.
In politics as in life timing is everything, and Greene’s unwitting praise jibes with the upbeat economic stats that could help grease a second Biden victory – robust job creation, huge spikes in domestic manufacturing construction, a plethora of new infrastructure projects in Republican districts, and much more. In fact, a solar panel manufacturer will soon expand its operations in a Georgia district, the one that’s represented by…Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Three months ago at a press dinner, the president uttered a quip at her expense – “If you find yourself disoriented or confused, it’s either you’re drunk or Marjorie Taylor Greene” – but she’ll likely prove herself useful in the future. Indeed, she just did! On Wednesday, during the House’s latest Hunter Biden shit show, she uttered this sentence: “I would also like to say that when evidence and proof of a crime is presented, no prosecution should be denied no matter who the person is.”
Yo, Jack Smith. Feel free to use that.