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Sondland goes full Agatha Christie on the Trump regime

Sondland goes full Agatha Christie on the Trump regime

Do you remember the climax of Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express? It turned out that all the murder suspects were guilty. And as Trump’s handpicked ambassador, Gordon Sondland, publicly declared at today’s House impeachment hearing, all...
“Ranking member, it’s ‘LT. COL’ Vindman, please”

“Ranking member, it’s ‘LT. COL’ Vindman, please”

It’s a fair bet that combat vet Alexander Vindman never imagined that after dedicating his career to defending his country, and fighting and bleeding for his country, that he’d wind up in front of Congress as some pissant conspiracy loon tried to strip...
Public hearing preview: A thumbnail guide to Republican gaslighting

Public hearing preview: A thumbnail guide to Republican gaslighting

Welcome to Day One of public impeachment hearings! It should be quite a show, especially when the Republican Trumpists on the House Intelligence Committee try to gaslight the public in Putinesque fashion, kicking up clouds of confusion in the desperate hope of masking...